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  • Writer's pictureRaedell Boateng

Purple Prayers

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

God still speaks to me through purples. This time, it’s lavender.

For those who don’t know, I LOVE all things purple. It’s my favorite color that I share with my TwinFriend. It’s the color of my aura. It defines so much.

It has also been a guide in moments where I needed direction. I can’t really remember when or why I started loving it but I have since, at least, adolescence. When I was deciding where to go to college, a school I’d never considered kept sending me mail. Then one day during a summer study program at Harvard (where I always wanted to go! and almost didn’t even get to go to the summer program but a few days before it was to begin I got a letter in the mail offering a scholarship and my mama the amazing made it happen🙌🏿) I was in the cafeteria and this dude with a deep purple sweatshirt that said NORTHWESTERN—the one who kept sending me mail— walked by and I immediately stopped him and started grilling him. He was very nice. I still remember his face. From there, I knew I was going to NU and applied only there early decision and got in. Can’t imagine not having gone there and the lifelong hotmess friends I made. Beautiful to imagine—SEE— what came from that series of events of a summer at Harvard, where I’d always dreamed of going, that almost didn’t happen.

One other significant purple moment is when I first moved to Seattle. Before I left Arizona, one of my church aunties had a friend in town from Spokane—which is on the complete opposite side of the state from Seattle—and this woman knew of a church in Seattle. She wrote down the name and address. Once I got settled I went to visit and guess what color the pews, carpet, and curtains were?? Yep, purple! (It’s been remodeled since then. I love purple but that was a lot at once 😂). Oh the experiences I have had at my beloved Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church💜. Life changing. Literally.

And now, today, my Kwame and I have been trying to find our home in Ghana, and, it‘s been a challenge. Agents and owners do things like ask for 18months rent at once and no one can really tell them not to. Kwame and his brothers have looked at dozens of homes and dutifully sent me videos and pictures and made sure my bathroom sanctuary is on point! And now, right now, Kwame is on his way to look at the house we believe is ours. It manifested after some intentional prayer, and, there’s a wall in the master bedroom that is...purple...lavender to be exact. Lavender holds a special place on the purple spectrum for me (a story for another day). And the light shade sings of spring and freshness which is the vibe of this next chapter.

So I pen this by faith that it’s already ours and him going to see it just solidifies on earth whats already true in the spirit realm.

Ase’ and Amen

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